How to Respond When Someone Comments on Your Body

A frequently asked question I hear is:

"How do I respond when someone comments on my body, but it doesn't feel good for me?”

“I don't want to offend the person talking about my body, but I also don't want to have that conversation.

“How do I put up boundaries but also not make it uncomfortable?"


This is so common for anyone healing their relationship with their body. Here are my (and your, for anyone who responded on Instagram) favorite ways to respond >> choose your own route!

Take the “Let me try and explain” route…
1. "When you talk about my body it makes me feel uncomfortable and I'm working on setting a boundary with that. Can you not comment on my body anymore?
2. "I know you mean well, but when you comment on my body it makes me think you care more about me because my body looks a certain way, and that's unhelpful/toxic/harmful for me. Do you mind not commenting on my body anymore?
3. "Hey, I'm working to detach my self worth from my body's appearance and when you comment on my body that makes it harder to do that. Do you mind not commenting on my body anymore?
4. "Your intention may be to help or praise me, but this isn't a topic that's up for discussion anymore..."

Take the “Put it on the provider” route…
5. "I'm working on my relationship with my body right now and my RD/therapist is suggesting I make boundaries about body comments. Do you mind not talking about my body please?

Take the “I don’t want to talk about this” route…
6. Change the topic...."Have you watched _____ new season? I'm so into it."
7. "Let's talk about something else....this is not that interesting to me anymore."

Take the straightforward route…
8. Walk away.

Please note: You do not have to have the perfect response right away when it comes to responding to body comments. This is something that for many of my clients requires some trial and error, to find the right response for them. Lastly, you do not owe anyone your full in depth reasoning for why this doesn’t feel good. Your truth is valid. Saying “please don’t say that” is enough. Always.

For more support in rebuilding neutrality around your relationship with your body, click here to book your free 15 minute discovery call today.


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